BRACKNELL police officers have been praised by residents after catching a suspicious man red handed. 

The neighbouring policing team from north Bracknell was called to a property in Wokingham after reports of a dodgy-looking man looking into houses. 

Upon arrival, the individual was caught with his foot in the door of a property. He was arrested and later charged. He has been remanded to court for two burglaries and will be held in prison until his next hearing.

Celebrating the result, a spokesman for Bracknell Policing Team said: "This was a great result for all the team involved. We really encourage members of the public to continue to report any suspicious behaviours they see." 

They also said that now the weather is improving, residents should be vigilant about leaving doors and windows open which might tempt criminals.

Posting online, they added: "We would also like to remind members of the public, that whilst the weather is getting warmer, please remember to check all windows and doors are closed and locked when leaving your home or spending time out in your garden."

Social media users were quick to celebrate the outcome, praising the police for their great work.

Gary Goss wrote: "Well done!"

While Danielle West added: "Keep up the excellent work."