NICHOLAS CHAPMAN, 26, of Keldhome, Bracknell, admitted driving a VW Golf on Binfield Road on March 7, 2017 with a portion of cocaine in his blood which exceeded 32 micrograms, the specified limit . He was fined £500, ordered to pay victim services £30 and £85 costs. He is disqualified from driving for 12 months.

SKERNTI SEITAI, 25, of Budges Road, Wokingham, admitted drink driving a Ford Mondeo on Broad Street, Wokingham, on April 8, 2017. He was fined £350, ordered to pay victim services £35, and £85 costs. He is disqualified from driving for 12 months, reduced by three months if he satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State.

IAN DAVID SURMAN, 51, of Tamworth, Bracknell, admitted drink driving a Vauxhall Astra on A4 Bath Road on January 12, 2017. He was fined £100, ordered to pay victim services £30 and £135 costs. He is disqualified from driving for 36 months, reduced by 36 weeks if he satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State.

MICHAEL JAMES GALLAGHER, 57, of Patten Ash Drive, Wokingham, admitted drink driving a Vauxhall Vectra on Patten Ash Drive on April 4, 2017. He was fined £85, ordered to pay victim services £30 and £120 costs. He is disqualified from driving for 18 months, reduced by four months if he satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State.

OSCAR HOYOS HOYOS, 38, of Swaledale, Bracknell, admitted drink driving a Mini on Binfield Road, Bracknell, on April 8, 2017. He must carry out 80 hours unpaid work, pay victim services £85 and £85 costs. He is disqualified from driving for 16 months, reduced by 16 weeks if he satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State.

RAFAL WOJCIK, 36 of Honey Hill, Crowthorne, admitted racially/religiously aggravated harassment/alarm/distress by words/writing at Market Place, Wokingham. He was fined £175 and ordered to pay £50 compensation, victim services £30 and £85 costs.

CHARLIE THOMAS BURGESS, 20, of Blagrave Drive, Wokingham, travelled on a train without paying for a ticket on October 4, 2016. He was Fined £92 and ordered to pay £6.50 compensation, £30 to victim services and £160 costs.

TIMOTHY JAMES HAZARD, 28, admitted using threatening. abusive or disorderly words or behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress on March 31, 2017. He was fined £100, ordered to pay victim services £30 and £85 costs. On the same date he admitted driving without third party insurance on South Hill Road. He was fined £200 and had six points added to his licence.

TIMOTHY PATRICK FRANCIS CLIFFORD, 37, of Fordwellis Drive, admitted being in possession of a quantity of cannabis, a controlled class B drug in Slough on February 21, 2017. He was discharged conditionally for 18 months and ordered to pay victim services £20 and £85 costs.

SANDESH RAI, 22, of Evenlode Way, Sandhurst, admitted possessing cannabis, a controlled class B drug on April 4, 2017. He was fined £100 and was ordered to pay victim services £30 and £85 costs.

ALBION VESELI, 19, of Gipsy Lane, Wokingham, admitted using threatening, abusive insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour, thereby causing that person or another harassment, alarm or distress in Bracknell on January 26, 2017. He was discharged conditionally for 12 months and ordered to pay victim services £20.

DAVID NICHOLLS, 54, of Broadmoor Hospital, Crowthorne, admitted assault by beating a woman on December 22, 2016. He was fined £60, ordered to pay £200 compensation and pay victim services £30 and £85 costs.