THE WOKINGHAM Lions Club has launched a Grand Easter Egg Raffle across local pubs and businesses in the borough.

All of the proceeds from the raffle will be going towards local charites and other worthy causes.

Bob Westerman, fundraising coordinator at Wokingham Lions Club, said: “This is a traditional and fun event in the Lions calendar.

“This event raises several thousand pounds for local charities, and why not take a chance to see if you win.”

The winners will be announced on Easter Sunday on April 21 and the prize will be a 1 kilo Easter Egg from the participating pub or business.

The pubs participating include The Broad Street Tavern, Bull at Barkham, The Castle, The Crispin, The Crooked Billet, Dog and Duck, The Dukes Head, Emmbrook Inn, The Green Man, Rifle Volunteer, The Ship Inn, The Three Frogs, Two Poplars and The White Horse.

For more information about the Wokingham Lions Club, visit: