CREATIVE children helped create scrubs to help support the NHS in need of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Three students aged between seven and 10 at Wildmoor Heath School in Crowthorne helped their teachers cut out fabric and pin pattern pieces together to help support local group 'for the love of scrubs' in Berkshire.

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Year 4 teacher Ross Phelps alongside senior learning assistant Nicola Thurgood helped the children with the project.

Nicola said: "I thought it would be a good idea to involve the children in a community project especially as the majority of our keyworkers' children have parents working for the NHS. 

"The children all felt a sense of pride in 'doing their bit' and asked if we could do it again."

In the coming weeks, the school will have about six children who will be making scrubs bags and have asked the school community for donations of suitable fabric.  

Leslie Semper, headteacher at the school said: "We are really proud of the children who are keen to support the NHS."

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The school is currently open every day for children whose parents are key workers or in the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic.