SEPTEMBER is a momentous time for thousands of children as they return to school after the summer holidays.

Many kids across Bracknell Forest will have started their first day at a primary or secondary school this week meeting new friends and getting to know their teachers.

OFSTED inspects and rates all state schools across England to judge the quality of education pupils are receiving.

Ratings are based on inspectors judgements across four categories – quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development of pupils, leadership and management as set out in their Education Inspection Framework last updated in 2019.

Here is a list of all the schools that have been rated 'inadequate', 'requiring improvement', 'good' or 'outstanding' in Bracknell Forest.

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Bracknell News: A pupil at work in the classroom.

Harmans Water Primary School - Good

Inspected: July 21, 2021

Ofsted said: “Leaders have a sharply focused vision for pupils’ success. The headteacher, staff and governors work very effectively as a team. Leaders have high expectations for staff and pupils. They know their school very well. They are rightly proud of its many strengths and know what they need to do to make the school even better."

But they added: "Subject leaders have a clear understanding of how well pupils are achieving across the school in many subjects, including English and mathematics. Consequently, leaders make sure the curriculum is shaped and adapted effectively, so that pupils learn well. Senior leaders and governors should ensure that this is consistent across all subjects.

Holly Spring Primary School - Good

Last inspected: November 18, 2020

Ofsted said: "Teachers have checked pupils’ knowledge in reading and are using this information to tailor additional help for those pupils who need it. Across Years 1 to 3, phonics teaching is being adjusted to make sure any gaps in knowledge can be filled. In Years 2 to 6, a fresh approach to teaching reading aims to support pupils’ vocabulary skills and improve their engagement."

But they said: "Currently, pupils are not studying their usual curriculum. For social distancing reasons, the numbers of music and computing lessons have been reduced for some year groups."

St Crispin's School - Good

Last inspected: November 10, 2020

Inspectors said: "Pupils have started this academic year studying exactly the same range of subjects as they normally would. You told us that this reflects your ambition that pupils’ learning will not be hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers have temporarily adapted how aspects of some subjects are taught, for example performance work in drama and singing in music."

Cressex Lodge School - Good

Last inspected: August 19, 2020

Ofsted said: "The curriculum is well considered and serves as a means to reveal to pupils the range of possibilities that lie ahead. Many discover previously hidden aptitudes, such as in art. As a result, all pupils take appropriate next steps and successfully access further education."

What needs to be improved?

Strengthen leadership and management by ensuring that: "members of the proprietorial body develop their understanding of the school’s pupil performance information in order to provide greater challenge and support to school leaders."

Sandy Lane Primary School - Good

Last inspected: March 13, 2020

Ofsted said: "Pupils behave well during lessons and around the school. They hold doors open for others and are always polite and friendly, for example. They know and follow the school’s values of being ‘Positive, Respectful, Inclusive, Driven and Excellent’ (‘PRIDE’). A pupil linked this to the lion on the school crest: ‘We’re like a pride of lions. We belong together.’

"Pupils feel safe in the school. They know that any incidents of poor behaviour will be dealt with. They say that bullying is rare in the school. Any problems are quickly sorted out by staff. Pupils told us that they have trusted adults they can speak to if they have any worries."


They said: " Leaders have ensured that most areas of the school curriculum, including core subjects, are now planned and sequenced well. In these subjects, pupils can build on their skills and knowledge, to know more and to do more as they progress through the school. However, there remain subjects, such as science, history and geography, where such plans are not yet fully in place. Leaders should continue to develop, support and monitor these curriculum areas to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, develop coherently sequenced knowledge and skills in all subjects."

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Meadow Vale Primary School - Good

Latest report: 29 November 2019

Inspectors said: "Leaders have ensured that the mathematics curriculum is well defined and follows a clear structure. Pupils were able to explain how a lesson in fractions built on their learning in Year 5. They were aware that they were building on what they could remember and refreshing it."

But they added: "Leaders need to ensure that the strong practice in the teaching of phonics, evident in most classes, is more consistent across the school."

Birch Hill Primary School - Good

Latest report: 06 November 2019

Ofsted said: "Leaders and governors are ambitious for pupils to succeed. The school has just been through a lengthy staffing restructure. Staff are now available to support pupils in lessons more frequently, and to supervise a wider range of activities at lunchtimes. Most staff are positive about these changes and feel well supported by leaders. Staff are protected successfully from excessive workload."

But they added: "Leaders and governors are determined that all pupils fulfil their potential. However, they need to increase the participation of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND in curriculum enrichment opportunities, especially those activities that take place out of school time."

Floreat Montague Park Primary School - Requires improvement

Latest report: 15 July 2019

Ofsted said: "The quality of teaching in key stage 1 is not consistently good. Current leaders are accurately aware of the inconsistencies in the quality of teaching in the school. Assessment is not always used well in key stage 1. Work is not pitched correctly for pupils, particularly for the most able and those with below average starting points, including in the wider curriculum. Expectations of what pupils can attain are not always high enough."

Positives? Ofsted said: "Leadership of the early years is strong. Children in the early years receive a good education. Teaching is effective and outcomes are above average."

The Pines School -Requires Improvement

Latest report: 11 July 2019

Inspectors said in their report: "Many parents and carers lack confidence in the school’s leadership. They have been unsettled by the frequency of staff changes over the last 12 months.

"The most able disadvantaged pupils, and disadvantaged pupils with SEND, make particularly weak progress."

However, "Pupils behave well, enjoy school and attend regularly. They are confident and friendly. The school is a welcoming, happy place in which to learn and work."

Garth Hill College - Good

Latest report: 10 June 2019

Ofsted said: "Teaching, learning and assessment have improved since the last inspection. Most teachers have strong subject knowledge and

they plan challenging activities that engage pupils. In a declining proportion of lessons where learning is less strong, leaders are taking firm action. "

However, improvements can be made such as to "Reduce the remaining inconsistencies in the quality of teaching. Ensure that the school’s approach to assessment is implemented fully so that pupils understand how to improve their work.

"Further strengthen the provision for disadvantaged pupils so that they make strong progress that allows them to catch up with other pupils nationally. "

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Wooden Hill Primary and Nursery School - Good

Latest report: 04 June 2019

They said: "Strong leadership by the headteacher and the senior team ensure that there is a clear vision for the school. All staff share a commitment to raise achievement and to do the best for all pupils in their care."

But they said: "Aspects of the school environment, including the open-plan area for Years 1 to 4 and the limitations of the outdoor area for the reception classes, inhibit pupils learning, preventing them from engaging in a full range of activities. "

Kennel Lane School- Good

Latest report: 20 May 2019

Inspectors said: "Senior leaders have been successful in improving the quality of teaching and raising pupils’ outcomes. The school community is ambitious to be outstanding in every respect."

However, "Some leaders, particularly middle leaders, are very new to post. In such cases, actions and initiatives planned are yet to impact upon pupils’ outcomes."

Winkfield St Mary's CofE Primary School - Good

Latest report: 07 May 2019

Ofsted said: "Teachers use their subject knowledge to develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding. However, sometimes teachers do not provide tasks that challenge the most able pupils sufficiently.

Despite this, "Governors challenge and support leaders effectively. They know the school well and check that leaders’ actions are improving the quality of teaching and learning."

Newbold School - Good

Latest report: 26 April 2019

The report said: "The quality of teaching is good. Staff work closely together in this small school. They have high expectations of pupils’ learning and behaviour. "

But they added: "Ensure that a greater proportion of pupils achieve the higher standard in writing by the end of key stage 2 by further developing skills in composition and dialogue. "

The Brakenhale School - Good

Latest report: 11 March 2019

The report said: "Leaders check the quality of learning to ensure that pupils make good progress. Teachers value the training they receive. Accordingly, the quality of teaching for pupils continues to improve."

Fox Hill Primary School - Good

Latest report: 19 October 2018

Ofsted said: "Leaders have worked tirelessly to address all areas for improvement identified in past inspections. Their dedication, and that of all staff, ensures that Fox Hill is a good school."

Wildridings Primary School - Requires Improvement

Latest report: 23 April 2018

The latest report said: "Leaders’ improvement plans are not focused sharply enough on expected outcomes to ensure that all groups of pupils make good progress.

"The quality of teaching and learning in mathematics and English is not consistently good."

Binfield Church of England Primary School

Latest report: 19 April 2018

Ofsted said: " All groups of pupils make good progress through each year. This is because teachers keep a careful eye on how individuals are getting on and adapt lessons accordingly."

St Michael's Easthampstead Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School - Good

Latest report: 09 November 2017

" Teaching over time is good because most activities are carefully planned to meet pupils’ needs. Teachers make lessons interesting and engaging and as a result pupils have good attitudes to learning. Effective use of additional adults to support individuals or groups means all pupils make the same good progress."

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But they said to improve, the school needs to "Quickly move pupils on to more challenging work in lessons once they have demonstrated their understanding of what is being taught."

Whitegrove Primary School - Good

Latest report: 28 February 2017

The report said: "Pupils’ behaviour is outstanding. The school is a harmonious community where relationships between adults and pupils are warm, friendly and mutually respectful. Pupils concentrate in lessons and try hard. They feel safe and look out for one another. They make excellent contributions to the positive atmosphere throughout the school, with older pupils taking a lead as play leaders, peer mediators and leaders of the daily ‘kick start’ exercise programme. "

Warfield Church of England Primary School- Good

Latest report: 11 January 2017

Ofsted said: "The rich curriculum ensures pupils benefit from many enjoyable and stimulating experiences and that their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. The school is not yet outstanding because teaching is not consistently good enough to ensure pupils make outstanding progress in mathematics, and they do not have enough opportunities across different subjects to develop their numeracy skills."

However, improvements can be made such as: "Plan opportunities across the curriculum to extend and develop pupils’ mathematical skills."

Easthampstead Park Community School - Good

Latest report: 27 June 2016

The report said: "The headteacher and the senior leadership team’s work has borne fruit this year. Teaching, pupils’ behaviour and their willingness to learn have all improved since the previous inspection."

But they said: "Some pupils struggle to remember the basic numeracy skills they need to make rapid progress in mathematics; a gap remains between the progress disadvantaged pupils make in mathematics and that made by other pupils."

Ranelagh School - Outstanding

Latest report: 27 April 2015

Ofsted noted: "Students make outstanding progress. This means that they reach standards in their GCSE examinations that are significantly higher than the national average in a wide range of subjects. Students’ behaviour is exemplary in lessons and around the school. Students are keen to learn and relish the challenges that their teachers set. Their excellent attitudes to learning contribute strongly to their success."

Meadowbrook Montessori School - Good

Latest report: 09 February 2012

Ofsted said: "Meadowbrook Montessori School provides a good quality education, meets its aims and has the overwhelming support of parents and carers. Children make outstanding progress in their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development throughout the school, owing to an outstanding curriculum, and they make at least good progress in their learning owing to good teaching."

Ascot Heath Primary School - Outstanding

Latest report: 06 June 2011

Inspectors said: "This is an outstanding school where leaders, the staff team and governing body admirably in fulfilling their vision to make 'learning a become fun and an exciting adventure'. The excellent curriculum provides pupils with many memorable experiences

that promote their academic and personal development. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary and this contributes to the purposeful atmosphere in lessons and around the school. Good teaching, underpinned by excellent relationships, capitalises on their enthusiasm for learning. As a result, pupils achieve well and reach above-average standards."

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Bracknell - Outstanding

Latest report: 22 July 2010

Ofsted said: "Children start school with skills that are above those expected for four year olds. The highly stimulating learning environment, high quality teaching and level of care from the adult carers enable children to settle into school quickly and to flourish."