In this week's column, Councillor Paul Bettison OBE, the leader of Bracknell Forest Council, welcomes Self Care Week, which is being run to raise awareness for health and general wellbeing. He has also extended his appeal for people to get vaccinated against coronavirus and the flu. Cllr Bettison writes:

This week is Self Care Week (15 – 21 November) and the theme this year is to ‘practise self care for life’. By making small and achievable changes to our everyday lives, we can improve our own health and wellbeing.

Looking after yourself doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple steps including healthier diet choices, regular exercise, taking time to relax and getting a good night’s sleep can make the world of difference to your physical and mental health. In Bracknell Forest we have many beautiful parks and outdoor areas, perfect for exercise and enjoyment, whether that be a relaxing walk with your dog or a more energetic run!

By making small, positive changes to our lifestyle we not only boost our health in the short term, but these changes can make huge differences to our long-term health by reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

As we go into winter, those eligible are being urged to get the flu jab as soon as possible and the COVID-19 booster when eligible. This is also an important factor in maintaining your own health. It helps boost your immunity and provides protection against these viruses, not only for yourself but for your loved ones too.

At this time of year pressure on our valued NHS naturally increases and with COVID-19 still a demand on our healthcare services, it is particularly important to know where to go when you feel unwell. Remember, if you are unsure where you need to get help, think NHS 111 first – call 111 or visit the website

Perhaps we can all use Self Care Week as inspiration for looking after ourselves more. Taking just five minutes a day to focus on our own health can make all the difference, whether that be eating healthier, moving a bit more each day or taking time out to relax.

Take care and have a good week!