The new council leader has asked local MPs to back calls for a reduced housing target in the borough. 

Wokingham Borough Council leader Clive Jones is requesting central government reduce the number of new housing provisions currently imposed on the borough – the latest target being 781 houses per year – and implement a new planning system. 

Cllr Jones said: “We made a commitment to campaign against the ludicrously high number of houses being foisted on the borough – and one of our first actions is to make good on that promise.  

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“I want to create a united front with [MPs] Sir John, Theresa May, Matt Rodda and James Sunderland. That would be a cross-party team acting in the clear interests of our residents.” 

Cllr Jones met with constituency MP John Redwood to ask him to back the plan, as well as writing to other local MPs to garner support. 

Wokingham MP John Redwood said: “I met leading councillors and planning officers on Friday. I explained why I would like the next local plan to confirm lower new housing numbers given the past pressures on green spaces, local infrastructure, and public services from the rate of development. 

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“The Council said it too would like to slow the growth rate. The current plan is near its end and is too permissive.” 

The office of James Sunderland confirmed that he and Cllr Jones “will be meeting soon.” 

Mrs. May said she worked with the previous council to “press Wokingham’s case for planning reform” and “look[s] forward to meeting the new council leader, Clive Jones, soon.” 

Matt Rodda was approached for comment. 

Cllr Jones sent a letter to Michael Gove, the minister responsible for the planning system, requesting a meeting on the issue. 

Cllr Jones added: “Ultimately, it is Michael Gove who we need to convince; he has responsibility for the current housing target imposed on us and he has the power to listen to local views and change the system.  

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“[…] we are not saying no more new homes are needed. We need places people can afford to live; social and affordable housing and a reasonable amount of other well-planned development.” 

The new leader of the Wokingham Conservatives, who lost control of the council for the first time in 20 years after the recent local elections, said the letter was a “copy” of one sent by the previous leader John Halsall. 

Pauline Jorgensen said: “[The Liberal Democrats] got elected by telling residents that they could do better than the Conservatives […] Instead, the first thing Clive Jones does on taking office is send off a letter to the Government […] which is almost identical to the one that his Conservative predecessor sent.”