Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing increasing hostility from his own MPs as more publicly express a lack of confidence in his leadership. 

A steady stream of Tories have backed a vote to decide the PM’s future, or called for Mr Johnson to step down, with three new names surfacing on Monday and more today.  

The News contacted both the MP for Bracknell, James Sunderland, and the MP for Wokingham, Sir John Redwood, however neither responded to the request for comment. 

The MPs have so far not issued a public statement either backing the PM or calling for his resignation since the release of the report. 

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A total of 54 letters of no confidence from Tory MPs must be submitted to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench MPs, for a vote to be held. 

Yesterday, former attorney general Jeremy Wright said events in Downing Street had caused “real and lasting damage” to the Government’s authority and concluded “with regret” that Mr Johnson should go. 

A spokesperson for Carshalton and Wallington MP Elliot Colburn, who was elected in 2019, confirmed he had submitted a letter of no confidence in the PM. 

And Tory MP, Nickie Aiken, suggested Mr Johnson should submit himself to a confidence vote to end the “speculation” over his future. 

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Having previously withdrawn it in light of the Ukraine war, a fourth Conservative MP, Andrew Bridgen, resubmitted his letter of no confidence in the PM following “further revelations over the past week,” after the publication of the long-awaited Sue Gray ‘partygate’ report. 

This morning former Cabinet minister Dame Andrea Leadsom has become the latest Tory to criticise Mr Johnson in a letter to her constituents. 

She did not say whether she had submitted a letter of no confidence but said: “[…] there have been unacceptable failings of leadership that cannot be tolerated and are the responsibility of the Prime Minister.” 

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MP for Carlisle John Stevenson submitted his letter this afternoon, saying he was “deeply disappointed” by the activities during lockdown, concluding that “the only option is for the Conservative MPs to facilitate a vote of confidence.” 

According to Sky News’ Tom Larkin, he said: “The PM put the governance of the UK at risk to a single, severe Covid outbreak. That is to say nothing of the lack of respect it showed for the British people or the Queen.” 

It comes as No 10 is under renewed pressure to say if Mr Johnson’s wife hosted a second lockdown party in the Downing Street flat on the day of the Prime Minister’s 56th birthday – having already been fined for a gathering in the cabinet room earlier the same day.