An ex-Bracknell Forest and Bracknell Town councillor has sadly passed away last month.

Chas Baily, who represented Bracknell Town Council as the elected mayor from May 2009 to May 2010 passed away on June 11 after serving within Bracknell town council and Bracknell Forest council as a councillor for 15 years.

During his time as mayor, he supported The Ark Trust as his chosen mayoral charity and was represented by all the local communities he supported over his year as mayor of Bracknell Town.

Chas was said to be a ‘kind gentleman who was well thought of by Bracknell residents.’ Always on hand to listen, help and get involved when anyone needed advice or support.

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A spokesperson from Bracknell Town Council said: “He was very popular with his fellow Councillors and all the staff that he worked alongside during Council business, always ready to assist in any matters that arose and a pleasure to work with.”

During his time as Mayor, he attended over 100 events including the unveiling of Swing, Skate and Star statue at The Elms park.

Due to his time in the military, Mr Baily was involved annually with the successful organisation of the Armed Forces Day events and very much enjoyed attending the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst’s Heritage Day.