A historic listed building in Binfield has been granted planning permission to build a new outdoor swimming pool on the premises. 

Grade II listed building Binfield Lodge, situated on Twyford Road, applied to make changes to a scheme originally approved in 2011 – which outlined plans for a new driveway, tennis courts and ponds, as well as the swimming pool. 

The owners had initially wanted to have an ornamental reflecting pool with a stone tile finish, however, this has now been changed to remove the tiles as well as having a retractable cover and adjusted the proposed location to the south lawn. 

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Binfield Lodge is an early 15th century hall house, originally one of James I’s hunting lodges, which was remodelled in the 18th century by the 2nd Earl of Chatham, John Pitt, and then further altered by English architect Sir Edwin Lutyens in 1912.   

Since 1966, the lodge has been on the National Heritage List for England – a register of the country’s most significant historic buildings and sites – which are protected by law and most, including Binfield, are not open to the public.