A hopeful British Champion kayaker was left devastated after her one-of-a-kind boat was stolen from a driveway in Ascot.

Jak Adler, the disabled sportswoman, discovered the Guigui Prod custom kayak was missing from inside her vehicle which was parked on Ranelagh Crescent last weekend.

Alongside the specially adapted kayak was a set of green cranked lightening paddles.

Jak has posted an appeal on social media saying: “Words can’t say how heartbroken I am.

“I loved that boat so much I could barely paddle it. I saved for a year to buy it and can’t believe it’s gone.”

The News understands that this road has seen a rising number of thefts over the last few weeks.

Jak’s brother, Laurence believes that it may have been mistaken for tools due the black carrier bag it was placed in.

Because the kayak has been designed and adapted for her disability, it is apparently worthless to thieves and therefore is thought to be dumped on the side of the road or posted for sale on Facebook market place.

Laurence Alder said: “I am so angry about it because I know how much it is worth to her. The boat is her pride and joy and she’s been practicing to compete in the World Championships so it’s devastating.

“She went to go practice, opened the bag and it was gone and she had to come home. She really really loved it.

“It’s made of lightweight carbon-fibre so there is a one-year lead-time for the manufacturer to make another."

Thames Valley Police were contacted regarding the incident.

A spokesman from TVP said: “Thames Valley Police received a report of a theft from a vehicle in Ranelagh Crescent that happened between Friday (18/11) and Monday (21/11).

“Officers investigated this incident, that investigation has now concluded and has been filed pending further investigation coming to light.

“If anyone has any information then please call 101 or make a report online quoting reference number 43220524581.”