Well, the wintery weather certainly arrived this past week! I hope that you have all been keeping warm and well.

Please remember that our community winter hubs are open for everyone to take some time to relax, have a cup of tea, meet other residents or find information on any support you may need. Details of all community winter hubs are on our website at: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/winter-hubs.

Looking ahead to elections next year, you may have heard that we are conducting a review into the polling arrangements for the borough. Namely, we are working out whether the current polling stations are as convenient and accessible as they can be, so that residents can vote. As 2023 is an election year in the borough, this is more important than ever.

Thank you to all those who provided comments as part of the first stage of consultation. There is still time to give your feedback, but you only have until Monday, 19 December to do so.

You can read the draft scheme on our consultation page, and then leave your comments there. Any comments delivered outside of the portal will not be considered. You can give your feedback using our consultation portal, accessible on the electoral reviews page on our website.

The council’s draft budget proposals for the 2023/24 revenue and capital budget were agreed at the meeting of our decision-making executive last night (Tuesday, 13 December). Our preparations for next year’s budget have been undertaken against a backdrop of continued uncertainty on medium-term funding and the impact of the Government’s recent announcements on next year’s budget.

Our full public consultation is now underway and will run until Tuesday, 24 January 2023. We’d love residents to have their say on these draft proposals, so I’d encourage you to get involved and take part in the consultation. You can visit the consultation pages on our website to put your views forward and look out for further information on our social media channels in the coming months.

The final budget, including the proposed level of council tax for 2023/24, will be determined by full council on 22 February 2023, following the council’s normal consultation period.


But for now, I hope that you are able to plan quality time with family and friends, and time to relax, this festive period. It is a very busy time of year and it is important not to forget to look after ourselves too.