A primary school in Bracknell who were told that they ‘required improvement’ by education watchdog have bounced back following their latest inspection with glowing reports for both teachers and pupils.

The Pines School, located on Hanworth Road were awarded a ‘good’ rating from Schools inspector Ofsted.

Following the inspection in 2019, new senior leaders have joined the schools, including the head teacher, Mrs Davies.

The report said: “Since joining in September 2019, leaders have made significant changes to the school. Parents and staff value both these improvements as well as leaders’ compassion, kindness and dedication to support all pupils in achieving well.

“Leaders know that previous changes in leadership had been unsettling and that the curriculum and learning needed to be more ambitious.”

Throughout the report, inspectors applauded leaders for their commitment to developing caring and nurturing relationships with pupils after their visit on January 17 2023.

After speaking to some of the pupil’s, one said: ‘I love it here and never want to leave.’

It was found that there is an atmosphere of partnership and purpose which can be felt around the school, meaning that children get off to a flying start from the moment they start nursery at 3 year-old.

Lead inspector, Ed Mather said: “There is a shared high ambition to ensure every pupil is an eager learner who achieves well. Staff prioritise developing caring relationships with pupils, providing thoughtful nurture and care.”

“Teachers quickly get to know the children well to make sure that learning is suited to each child. Children take great interest in their learning and consequently quickly develop the knowledge they need to read and write confidently.”

In regards to the schools SEND provisions, inspectors found that teachers provide high-quality support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They added: “Pupils attending the ‘Orchard’ and the ‘Grove’, the school’s two specially resourced provisions, enjoy learning a rich curriculum. They receive the bespoke support they need to meet their needs from well-trained staff.

“They benefit from learning both in the specially resourced provision as well as with their friends in their year group classes. This support is carefully considered and well planned to help all pupils with SEND achieve well.”

Following this inspection, MP James Sunderland lauded the Bracknell school in the House of Commons for their glowing Ofsted report.

He said: “Mr Speaker, last month the Pines Primary School in Bracknell achieved a good rating in its Ofsted inspection. That in itself is laudable. What’s significant is that The Pines School is now the fortieth of forty eligible schools in Bracknell to be rated good or outstanding.

“This clean sweep is a fantastic achievement and I’m very proud of everyone locally so would the Prime Minister please join with me in congratulating our fantastic teachers, staff, governors and pupils.”