A DRUG dealer has been jailed for three years after pleading guilty to supplying Class A drugs.

William Messham, of Oriental Road, Ascot, was sentenced at Reading Crown Court today (March 17) after being caught by Thames Valley Police earlier this year.

The 24-year-old was linked to a phone number associated with the supply of drugs. Messages were found on the device relate to the drug distribution including £30, £40 and £50 deals.

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A warrant was issued to search his address where a pot with white power was found along with about £2,980 cash, sealed bags of white powder, an iPhone and a Microsoft phone.

Messham was present during the warrant and was subsequently arrested.

Prosecuting, Saria Bashir said the white power was analysed and identified as cocaine with the street value of £80 and £50 respectively.

She added that a drug expert concluded that ‘street level supply of cocaine was the feature of the case’.

The court heard that Messham has six previous convictions including being sent to a youth offenders institute for 30 months for possession with the intent to supply MDMA.

Defending, Fiona Taylor said: “We’re not talking hundreds of thousands of people, it’s a dozen or two dozen max. He has the benefit of a supportive family who are willing to do anything for him.

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“The family are willing to lend him money so [he doesn’t come out with a drug debt]. There are people who say he does nice things as well and takes him grandmother to the doctors and takes her shopping.

“We have somebody who when is functioning is a nice man human being albert he has a problem which he is [addressing].”

Sentencing him to three years in jail, Recorder Rachel Drake said: “I recognise you’ve had a very difficult start in life and you feel genuine remorse and you’re conscious of your responsibility as a parent and partner.

“The blunt reality is there are not features of your case to step out of the category range. It’s the previous conviction that troubles me the most.

“I hope in reality here is scope of that drug rehabilitation programme to still be available to you when you’re released.

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“You’re very capable of being a good father and being a good role model in the future – the choice is really yours.”

Messham will serve up to half of his sentence before being released on bail.