The family of a seven-year-old brain cancer victim have been given fresh hope with a life-saving clinical trial in the Netherlands.

After being diagnosed in October, Jasmine Freeman has received several doses of radiotherapy and chemotherapy to help slow down the growth of the rare midline glioma.

Since her diagnosis, thousands of people from across the world have come together to raise nearly £250,000 to make this trial a possibility.

Jasmine’s dad, Anthony Freeman said: “It’s been a heart-breaking journey we’ve been on. Since she was diagnosed her condition has deteriorated drastically and there are some days where it is terrible to watch.

“Her Mum and I normally have Jasmine every other week and even between those breaks I can see a difference in her condition.

“The support we have received has been amazing and because of this we will be travelling to the Netherlands next week for the pre-screening stage of the clinical trial which is days after this weekend’s fundraiser.

“It really has been a rollercoaster of a journey and we are pinning all of our hopes on this treatment because there isn’t anything else out there.”

Jasmine and her family have been logging their journey across social media and through their Go Fund Me page which has gone global online.

From her multiple hospital visits to various messages of support from celebrities, Jasmine has been a strong presence online while keeping a smile of her face during the most difficult of times.

As her health deteriorates and her headaches worsen, her supporters have also started to raise awareness of this kind of brain tumour which is one of the biggest killers of children and young adults.

Anthony added: “Everything is just coming at us a million miles an hour and the options that we have for Jasmine are still incredibly limited unfortunately. However, we aim to do all we can for her in whatever time we have.

“Nothing about this situation is fair but we have received so much support and love from people all over the world.”

A fundraising ‘party’ has been organised at Bracknell Leisure Centre as a last attempt to raise money for the little warrior’s clinical trial.

Organised by friends and family, this event is set to host everything from a silent auction featuring a villa in Marbella to a teddy bear tea party designed with Jasmine in mind.

This family fun-day has been organised by Jay, a family friend and a clinical research consultant for the campaign.

Jay said: “This is a last push to raise funds and awareness for the family before they leave for the Netherlands.”