A “monstrosity of a barn” is at the centre of a row between residents in Winkfield, Warfield and Binfield.

Nick Kerner, wants permission to turn the site into a vehicle repair garage – just months after buying the land and erecting the barn.

He is the owner of Nick Kerner 4 Wheel Drive, which specialises in repairing Land Rovers, 4X4s, horseboxes and trailers. This is temporarily based at Bottle Lane in Binfield, after leaving its original site at Moat Farm on Winkfield Lane, which is now to be turned into a housing development.

Mr Kerner was given the go-ahead to build a barn on Cock Lane for agricultural use in 2020, and now wants permission to use it as a garage.

Now, some neighbours – angry that the garage could spoil the green belt land the site is located in – wonder whether that was the plan all along.

In comments to Bracknell Forest Council’s planning department, Christopher Thomas of Church Road, said: “It seems the applicant sold a site where he was running his business, since replaced by residential development, with little regard to the future of the business, now a hostage to his own misfortune. I must say I don't feel very sorry for him.”

Sarah Sowerby of Cock Lane wrote: “We were tipped off when that monstrosity of a barn was erected. They were very inconsiderate to local properties with early and very late noise of diggers and scrapers which included Saturday, Sundays and bank holidays.

“I moved to this area for some peace and quiet with the lovely country feel. I feel having a car servicing centre will create more noise, pollution and more traffic. We do not want to listen to cars going in and out all day long blocking up our road.”

But several other people have written in support of the plans, including farmers and horse owners, who say Mr Kerner’s business is valuable to them.

Elizabeth Mellor of Thornhill wrote: “The services they offer are vital to 4x4 and horsebox owners and their services have been sorely missed over the past year.

“They were based at Moat Farm for many years, which is just up the road from Oaktree Nursery, and backed onto the house and stables at Treetops without any problems - so surely this location is not going to cause any issues.”

The council’s planning committee is set to discuss the plans at its meeting on Thursday, June 15. Council officers are recommending that they refuse it permission as it would intensify commercial use on greenbelt land.