Thousands of food parcels have been distributed to local residents across Bracknell Forest who can’t afford everyday essentials on Universal Credit.

Volunteers at Bracknell food bank and the Trussell Trust have been working tirelessly to provide a service that is regretfully needed in rising numbers across the country.

With help from the generous local community and Bracknell supermarkets it has enabled the foodbank to be able to provide 3727 emergency food parcels – the most the organisation has given out in its history.

Bracknell foodbank Manager, Claire Mather said: “On the frontline of the cost-of-living crisis we are seeing the horrifying impact of our failing social security system.

“The statistic we see in Bracknell are reflective of the picture across the rest of the UK where almost three million parcels have been distributed by the Trussell Trust.

“We are really proud of the work we do in the community, but our ultimate goal is that there is no need for us anymore.  We believe that everyone should have enough money to buy enough food and other essentials.”

Following the pandemic, officials in Bracknell have confirmed that more families and young people are frequenting the food bank, particularly those on universal credit.

The Trussell Trust have estimated that to afford even those core essentials a single person needs £120 a week when the basic universal credit allowance is £85 a week.

Claire explained: “We are so lucky with the volunteers that offer to help and local supermarkets who donate food on a weekly basis.

“However, when someone comes in to use the service, we also offer other services and advice to help that person in other aspects of their life.

“This may be the reason that they have been forced to come to us, and if we can help them so they don’t have to use our service anymore that is the goal.

Dozens of volunteers take time out of their daily lives to assist with collecting, packing, and organising parcels, with others offering free advice to users.

“We wouldn’t be here without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Bracknell has such a wonderful sense or community who have continued to help us.”

Bracknell Foodbank are currently supporting a new proposal from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Trussell Trust calling for ‘Essential Guarantee’ to be built into the social security system. This would ensue that the basic rate of Universal Credit is always enough to afford the essentials, so that no-one in the UK faces destitution.