Developers behind the controversial Bracknell Beeches development in the town centre have asked for permission to add a new, above-ground level to the residents’ car park.

When completed, the new development will bring 349 new homes to Old Bracknell Lane, just behind the train station.

When the council granted planning permission in July last year it agreed that there would be a level of basement car parking under three of the new blocks of flats.

But now developers Weston Homes want to scrap the basement car park, and add a new, above ground level of parking instead. Drawings show that this would mean there would be two levels of car parking overlooking the train station instead of the previously proposed one.

When asking for permission, Weston Homes said they needed to make changes becasue the plans for a basement car park would make access to the site difficult during construction, as it would block the entrance.

They also say a planned ramp into the car park would be too close to a protected tree.

Documents submitted to the council say: “Part of our proposal is to remove the consented basement, this is due to buildability issues with this proposal.

“The consented basement clashes with the sole access to the site, this would prohibit site access during the construction phase, restricting the capability to implement the consented blocks.

“Further to this, there is grave concern as to how the Block A ramp could be built in such close proximity to the TPO‘d tree.”

READ MORE: Bracknell Beeches apartments one step closer to construction

Weston Homes promise that scrapping the basement car park won’t reduce the amount of parking spaces there will be when the flats are complete.

They say plans for a new level to the above-ground car park will provide the spaces needed – and that the location, near the railway line will have as little impact as possible.

The documents say: “We are proposing to remove the basement parking level and relocate the parking around the scheme. It is the intention to make as little impact as possible.

“In order to do this we have added another floor of external parking to the northern boundary running along the tree-lined railway track. This will help to mitigate the noise pollution being generated from the active railway.”

Bracknell Beeches will see the construction of seven new buildings – ranging from four to 16 storeys. The council’s planning committee approved the development in July last year, despite objections from some nearby residents, including over parking.