“We have suffered enough,” Finchampstead and Barkham residents have said, as proposed housing developments could see up to 134 homes on just two neighbouring patches of land on a country road.

Two separate planning applications have been submitted to Wokingham Borough Council for developments on 31 and 33 Barkham Ride – totalling 94 homes between them.

But many nearby residents say that if both were approved, the road would become overcrowded, congested and dangerous – and destroy the area’s countryside feel.

Stacey Jones of Barkham Road told the council: “Piece by piece the village feel of Barkham is being destroyed. The green and open space that is a draw for its residents is disappearing.

“Please stop ruining the lovely country feel of our town and the health and wellbeing of its long standing residents who are affected by the bricks and concrete replacing our green outlook.”

And Mark Porch of Chivers Drive said: “We have suffered enough in the massive and seemingly unending development of this borough.”

Under one application, Mr Thomas Roberts is seeking permission to build 26 homes on 31 Barkham Ride – where there are already some 40 prefab-type homes on the Victoria Gardens park home estate.

Directly next to it, Elivia Homes and Knowles Property want permission to build 68 homes on 33 Barkham Ride.

Hundreds of formal objections to both applications have been submitted to Wokingham Borough Council by worried residents.

Timothy Ferguson said roads in the area are already busy and dangerous – and feared the increased traffic could contribute to an accident.

He said: “It's only a matter of time until a serious accident occurs on Barkham.” Don Beckett of Garret Road added: “Having lived in this area for 40 years I have seen this road go from a country road to virtual race track.”

READ MORE: Warnings of ‘traffic carnage’ at Barkham solar farm

Other residents said services such as doctors’ surgeries were already over capacity, and wouldn’t be able to take on more patients.

Sarah Redsell of Garret Road said: “Another 68 houses on Barkham Ride is unthinkable. Barkham Ride is a narrow country lane and cannot cope with the heavy lorries that would need to use it whilst construction is undergoing.

“The infrastructure in the area is not designed to support more housing, everything is already overstretched.”

Many objections said that, with other developments in the area such as plans for two new special schools and a solar farm, the countryside could be eroded.

A “neighbourhood plan” recently drawn up by Finchampstead Parish Council, and adopted by Wokingham Borough Council, envisaged that 31 and 33 Barkham Ride would accommodate 77 homes between them.

Residents and Finchampstead North councillor Charles Margetts want Wokingham Borough Council’s planning committee to look at both applications together.