A man has been jailed after launching a "violent" and "completely unprovoked" attack on another.

On August 9 this year, Dre Hayden, aged 19, of Farley Hill, Luton and the victim, a 36-year-old man, were in the underpass near to London Road when Hayden produced a knife and chased after the victim.

They left the underpass and Hayden swung towards the victim.

The victim ended up in the road trying to escape and Hayden swung again, hitting the victim in the face.

The victim sustained serious injuries, including; a cut from his eyebrow to his lip, fractures to the left side and front of his skull and fracture to the left cheekbone and left temple.

Hayden was arrested on August 14 and was charged two days later.

In a hearing at Reading Crown Court on Friday, November 10, Hayden was sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment.

At the same hearing, Hayden pleaded guilty to one count each of section 18 grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of a bladed article.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Natalie Powell of Loddon Valley’s CID team, said: “This was a violent assault on a man that was completely unprovoked.

“The victim suffered serious injuries as a direct result of Hayden’s actions, and his sentence sends a clear message that we will not allow violent acts to take place in Bracknell with knives.

“Tackling knife crime is a top priority and we are working with partners to take knives off our streets. We are currently supporting Op Sceptre – a national week of action to tackle knife crime. As part of the operation, there will be local activity across the force, including community education and engagement, weapon sweeps, test purchases and high visibility activities.

“Be under no doubt, if you are caught in possession of a knife in Bracknell, we will pursue you, arrest you and place you before the courts.

“We are resolute in our determination to make our communities safer by removing knives from our streets. 

“My message to the community is if you have any information about anybody who is carrying a knife, please report this to us, either on 101 or by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111.”