We have created a map showing the best and worst Ofsted-rated primary schools for Reading, Bracknell, and Slough.

Here is a table of the results from the map:

In Bracknell, there is only one primary school at this point in time with the highest rating Ofsted can bestow, that is "Outstanding."

This primary school is King's Academy Oakwood.

Multiple other schools were rated by Ofsted as "Good."

These include: 

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Wildridings Primary School

Fox Hill Primary School

St Michael's Easthampstead Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Kennel Lane School

Holly Spring Primary School

There are currently no primary schools in Bracknell that have been rated by Ofsted as "Inadequate" or "Requires Improvement." 

The nearest ones that have been rated as "Requires Improvement" are in Reading, and these include St Mary & All Saints Church of England Primary School and Redlands Primary School.

To compare to the results above here is a further map of all the primary schools in the area: 

The data in the table here considers the age range of pupils attending the school and the percentage of students achieving an expected standard.

It also considers the percentage of students achieving a higher standard, reading progress, writing progress, numeracy progress, and average scores in both maths and reading.