Hundreds of Berkshire residents were out in mass today (12/5) in 24 degree heat as the town celebrated the 40th annual half-marathon.

Following the success of the Reading half-marathon and the London Marathon in April, over 800 runners laced up their running shoes and took to the streets of Bracknell.

From keen competitive marathon runners to people taking off for their first event, the excitement in the air was palpable.

As the sun beat down on runners during their journey, the cheers from the crowd as they crossed the finish line could be heard from miles around.

Cllr Iskandar Jefferies, MP James Sunderland and Bracknell Forest Council Mayor Councillor Jenny Penfold attended the event to hand out the medals at the finish line.

Cllr Jefferies said: “It’s been fantastic. I was slightly worried about the heat because it’s always better when it’s cooler for the runners.

“The fact that the Bracknell Half Marathon is celebrating 40 years is incredible. Bracknell as a town is 75 years old and most things like the golf complex is 50 years old and the leisure centre is coming up to the same so it just shows that the half-marathon is part of Bracknell’s history. It’s good to see that it’s still going on and I hope it goes on for another 50 years.

“Everyone involved should be so proud of themselves. It takes a lot of commitment and it’s really a testament to their perseverance. So anyone who crosses the finish line should be super proud.”

At around 10:05, Pedro Upton was the first person to cross the finish line after 1 hour and 17 minutes.

“I’ve just come back off an injury so training has been a bit hit and miss but I decided to give it a go anyway and the weather is on our side and it’s been a good race," Upton explained.

“There were loads of local supporters out in their gardens and along the roads. It’s a local route for me and it’s always good to run on. There’s plenty of support and comradery.”

The girlfriend and mum of one of the runners were some of the first supporters that gathered at the finish line on Braccan Walk to cheer on 'Go Ape' employee, Dave Leahy, who is participating for the sixth year in a row.

Katie Weare and Sharon Leahy made their way down to the finish line after cheering on Dave along the route.

Sharon said: “He’s just done London Half Marathon, Berlin is next and his last half marathon was in Amsterdam. We’re so proud of him because he works really hard for it. He was injured after London so he wasn’t sure if he was going to run so for him it’s a big thing today.”

Some runners participating in the half-marathon were raising money for charity or as part of a charity team.

One charity that was involved included Home-Start Bracknell Forest which supports parents who have young children dealing with issues such as mental health, isolation and disability.

Former teacher, Peter Swallow explained: “It was incredibly hot so not the best running conditions but it was an incredible atmosphere and it was so amazing to be able to do it in support of Bracknell Forest Home-Start. I’m really proud to have raised some money for an excellent cause.”

The Lexicon Bracknell Half-Marathon is sponsored by The Lexicon in partnership with Everyone Active.

It takes participants, that have travelled from across Berkshire and beyond, through the heart of Bracknell on roads, footpaths and cycleways, ending at the finish line on Braccan Walk.