A mother has pulled her two children out of Brakenhale School – claiming strict rules and poor support ‘effectively broke them'.

Caroline Tampin says her two children both have special educational needs. But rather than receiving the right support at the school in Rectory Lane, Bracknell, she says they faced punishment and exclusion.

She told the News: “They effectively broke my youngest child and they were doing the same to my oldest – which is why I pulled my oldest out.”

When approached about the parent's claims, Greenshaw Learning Trust – which runs the school – declined to comment.

READ MORE: 'Zero tolerance' debate behind Brakenhale rules controversy

Caroline’s youngest child – in Year 7 – is diagnosed with autism, and she believes her daughter in Year 10 also has special educational needs that led her to struggle in maths classes.

She says her eldest child was ‘ignored’ in class, leading her to ‘act out’ and be sent to the school’s ‘reflection room’ – a form of isolation. This led her to miss out on vital lessons ahead of her GCSEs, and to come home unhappy every day.

Caroline said: “They just kept punishing her. She went from being a happy child to being so exhausted from school and being in isolation. She would come home and sit staring at the ceiling the entire night.

“I pulled her out three weeks ago. It was not an easy decision but she’s started a new school and you can already see a difference. I’ve started to see a smile back on her face – I’ve started to see my daughter again. She said they actually speak to pupils as equals there.”

Caroline has also pulled her youngest child out of Brakenhale School while she tries to arrange for a place at another school that can accommodate their special educational needs. She also claims the headteacher Camilla Douglas has not responded to her emails raising concerns.

She says problems were made worse at Brakenhale after a recent changeover in special educational needs staff left agreed actions – such as being allowed out early to avoid busy corridors – undone.

She also says that school rules – such as that every child has to sit up straight and follow their teachers’ eyes – are impossible for children with conditions such as autism or ADHD.

Other parents at Brakenhale School raised similar concerns with the News in September last year.

And earlier this month a former teacher at the school told the News he felt the school’s ‘authoritarian approach’ doesn’t take into account the special educational needs of some children.

Caroline said: “They’re actively punishing not just special educational needs children but all students in general.”

The News asked Greenshaw Learning Trust for comment and gave it the opportunity to verify or deny Caroline Tampin’s claims.

A spokesperson said: “We do not comment through the press on matters regarding students and encourage any parents or previous employees with concerns to contact the school directly.”