Labour is on course to take control of Bracknell at the coming general election according to polls.

The Electoral Calculus website – which brings together and analyses national polls and local demographics to predict election outcomes – thinks Labour has an 80 per cent chance of winning, with 44 per cent of the vote.

It gives the Conservatives a 20 per cent chance and a 31 per cent share, with the Liberal Democrats and others mopping up the rest.

It comes after Labour took control of Bracknell Forest Council in a landslide result in local elections in 2023.

However the analysis doesn’t take into account local issues. And Labour has so far not yet chosen a candidate for Bracknell – with the national party not considering it a ‘battleground seat'.

Bracknell’s current Conservative MP James Sunderland is standing for re-election.

Both parties have been contacted for comment. Labour’s chairman in Bracknell Roy Bailey has previously told the News last December Bracknell is ‘winnable’ for Labour – and that local party activists are putting in the work.

Mr Sunderland told the News at the time that he is focussed on working hard for those 'I proudly serve’ in Bracknell.

Here’s a list of all the candidates from all the parties that we know have thrown their hat into the ring so far. They are listed in alphabetical order by surname.

  • Justin Bellinghouse – Reform UK
  • Michael Derrig – Social Democratic Party
  • Katie Mansfield – Liberal Democrats
  • Samuel Munyeza – Workers Party of Britain
  • James Sunderland – Conservative Party