A Bracknell primary school has retained its Ofsted rating following an inspection in March.

Holly Spring Primary School in Bracknell was visited by inspectors on March 19 and 20.

The school was last given a graded inspection in October 2013 - over a decade ago. Since then it has undergone a short inspection and a monitoring visit.

At the time of Ofsted's inspection, the school had 640 children on roll aged between three and 11.

In the report produced after the visit, Ofsted documented children having had "impeccable manners, politely welcoming all".

"The school prioritises pupils’ mental health and well-being," the inspector said.

"Pupils speak with delight and enthusiasm about how much leaders and staff care about them.

"If they have any worries, help is never far away."

The school has "high expectations" for pupils, but stage two pupil's achievement in reading, mathematics and writing was "much lower" than the national average.

Ofsted stated: "The school has taken robust action to address this, and current pupils’ achievement is more secure."

Classrooms are "calm and happy" and pupils understand the school's rules.

Ofsted also noted a refreshed curriculum created over the last few years aims to "give all pupils the best education it can", including pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities.

Curriculums are "well sequenced" - however science has been highlighted as a weaker subject, with knowledge not always detailed "precisely enough".

Ofsted said: "In almost all subjects, teachers have a good understanding of what to teach and explain new ideas clearly.

"They check on pupils’ learning in lessons. This helps them to identify which pupils need more help or guidance."

Safeguarding at the school is effective.

When pupils join the school, phonics are prioritised to ensure an early start to reading and provision of support if needed.

The Ofsted report concludes: "Governors have ensured that the school’s provision has developed significantly in recent years.

"They make key decisions with a clear vision of what they want to achieve and fulfil their statutory responsibilities with diligence.

"Staff are proud to work at the school and want to make the difference for every pupil."

In the school's weekly newsletter, headteacher Mrs March said: "As you will know our Ofsted report is now available for parents and carers and will be published on the Ofsted website in just over a week.

"We are pleased that the school has been judged as ‘Good’.

"Once again thank you for all your support. I would also like to thank the governors and staff for all their hard work and dedication."