Changes to parking in Bracknell Beeches and the sign at Carnival Hub pool are in this week’s roundup of planning applications and decisions at Bracknell Forest and Wokingham Borough councils.

You can view each one by going to the council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: Bracknell Beeches (23/00438/FUL)

Parking arrangements at a major housing development by Bracknell Train Station have been approved by Bracknell Forest Council.

Developers Weston Homes are building a 349-home development called Bracknell Beeches on Old Bracknell Lane, just behind the train station. The council granted approval for the project in 2022 – but Weston Homes asked for permission to scrap original plans for basement parking in July last year.

A new, above ground level of parking is to be added in its place. When asking for permission, Weston Homes said they needed to make changes becasue the plans for a basement car park would make access to the site difficult during construction, as it would block the entrance.

They also say a planned ramp into the car park would be too close to a protected tree. The changes mean there will be five more parking spaces than originally planned.

Bracknell Forest: parking space (24/00310/FUL)

The owner of a house has asked for planning permission to turn a patch of grass by their driveway into a parking space – having already built it.

The grass and a small tree on Friendship Way in Bracknell have already been replaced with grey block paving. Now the owner has had to ask for retrospective planning permission.

In a statement, consultants The Plan Hub say the paving is permeable – so doesn’t cause a flood risk. And they say the change doesn’t harm the appearance of the area as there are on-street parking indents into the grass along other sections of the road.

Bracknell Forest: Larchwood security fence (24/00224/3)

The Larchwood short break children’s home has asked for planning permission to install a new anti-climb fence along its permitter.

A planning application to Bracknell Forest Council says this is to ‘protect the health and safety of Larchwood disabled children and young people'.

(Image: LDRS)

Wokingham Borough: Carnival Hub (221169)

Planning permission has only just been granted for the large signs on the outside of the Carnival Hub swimming pool in Wokingham Town Centre.

Planning officers at Wokingham Borough Council approved the application for new externally-lit signs along the wall and entrance of the pool.

These are for the entrance sign above the front door, and the words ‘Carnival Hub’ in large lettering running vertically up the wall to the left.

The plans were submitted to Wokingham Borough Council in April 2022 and approved on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.