A BIG bug hunt and sunflower seed sowing session had young Beavers smiling ear to ear in Wokingham.

The 1st Wokingham (St Paul's) Beavers joined forces with Wokingham in Bloom volunteers to roll up their sleeves and dig right in.

The beavers joined volunteers earlier this month at the Howard Palmer Gardens, before moving on to Wokingham Town Hall.

Youngsters got stuck in to sow sunflower seeds and plant vegetables, as well as joining the big bug hunt and a tree identification session. 

Wokingham Borough Council posted about the success of the session on its Facebook page. Adding: "They each had pots of plantings to take home with them and after some 'up close and personal' time with a few creepy crawlies, we're sure they'll be telling everyone who's interested about their characteristics and how they benefit every garden!

"It was lovely to see you all, and by the way...you rock those hi-vis jackets!!"