Conservative Party candidate James Sunderland is the incumbent MP for Bracknell since 2019. Now 54, he is a retired colonel in the British Army, having been commissioned from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. This is the first in a series of Q&As with candidates standing in Bracknell.

Claim to the area: Live locally, military service and incumbent MP

What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of Bracknell?

Cost of living

Access to services


What causes will you be championing if elected as an MP?

Continuation of my dedicated support to local people who seek my help

Economic growth resulting in higher wages and better employment

Improved offer for Education, SEN, Apprenticeships and Upskilling

Leasehold and tenancy reform – A better offer from accommodation providers

Availability of affordable homes, but built sustainably in the right locations

Protect green and open spaces from development in line with local plans

Protect motorists in Bracknell Forest from higher parking charges, local ULEZ and road pricing schemes

Protect local people from additional taxation on homes, cars, pensions, incomes and council tax

Safeguard the environment, support Net Zero and reduce carbon emissions

Regeneration of Bracknell Town Centre and local public buildings, leisure facilities, transport network and infrastructure

Development of new Frimley Park Hospital and improved access to NHS facilities and GP surgeries

Some personal causes, including local charities (inc. DEBRA), global fight against Malaria and Sport for All

How will you help struggling high streets and town centres? Reform business rates to encourage and support independent retailers, keep rates as low as possible, offer local grants and energy schemes where possible and encourage the community to use local businesses and services.  Improve access to town centres through low parking charges, good infrastructure and improved transport networks.

How can you help make sure people can afford to live here while protecting our green spaces and countryside from development? Ensure developments deliver 35% affordable housing as per the requirements of the local plan.  Prevent unsustainable development on green spaces.  Offer new Help to Buy and Equity schemes for first time buyers getting onto the housing ladder.

How will you help councils struggling with their finances? I will (continue to) support Bracknell Forest Council in Westminster with funding requests.  Pressure on Government funding means that councils must plan responsibly to balance their budgets, provide efficient and cost-effective services and find innovative means for income generation.  Uncontrolled spending will result in excessive borrowing, tax and debt.

Can you help them to deal with the special educational needs crisis? As Vice-Chair of the Special Education Needs APPG, I lobbied hard in support of the Government’s SEN Review of 2023 and additional £2.6bn of funding for SEN.  I secured the funding for the new SEN school in Crowthorne and the new SEN units at Edgbarrow and Sandhurst Schools.  I also met ministers to secure the bespoke £16m Safety Valve programme and will be pressing for another SEN school in Warfield.  Local families with neurodiverse young adults and children need to be better supported and I am playing my part.

Will you want the Government to continue the Household Support Grant? Yes, I raised this in the House in early 2024 and personally lobbied the Chancellor to extend it on behalf of Bracknell Forest Council.  I have provided similar support to the Council since being elected.

What will you do to ensure that residents don’t lose easy access to NHS services when Frimley Park Hospital moves? I helped to secure the funding for the new Frimley Park Hospital.  Whilst the new location is yet to be decided, it will be located close to its current site and residents should not lose easy access to it given that the whole of Bracknell Constituency falls within the Frimley Health Trust area.  Residents will also continue to benefit from access to the Royal Berks Hospital, Wexham Park Hospital, Heatherwood Hospital, Brants Bridge and local GPs.

What car do you drive? Peugeot 207

What's your favourite film or TV show? Shawshank Redemption

When was the last time you cried? Funeral of a close friend

Have you ever taken illegal drugs? All military personnel are subject to Compulsory Drugs Testing so no.