In the second of our Q&As with the people standing to be Bracknell's next MP, we speak to Labour Party candidate Peter Swallow. He is a 31 year old university lecturer. Most recently he has lived in the west London borough of Ealing, but grew up in the Berkshire borough of Bracknell Forest.

What’s your connection to Bracknell, or why do you want to represent Bracknell? I was born in Wokingham, and my family home is in Crowthorne. I want to represent Bracknell because I believe its best days lie ahead. I want to deliver real change, so people can get that GP appointment when they need it, their kids are supported more in our fantastic local schools, working families don't struggle with the cost of living. Things won't be fixed overnight - but I'm determined to give Bracknell a fresh start.

What are the three biggest challenges facing Bracknell? The state of our NHS and local health services, with people struggling to get GP and dentist appointments and record-high waiting lists for treatment - Labour will deliver more appointments paid for by ending the non-dom tax loophole.

Our schools, especially support for kids with special educational needs - a Labour government would put more emphasis on early intervention so when kids are struggling, we can set up the support they need as soon as possible, before the challenges grow. We'll recruit more teachers, introduce free breakfast clubs in every primary school in Bracknell, and get more mental health support into our schools.

And the cost of living. Food bank usage in Bracknell went up 54% last year, and average monthly mortgage payments by almost £300. Every family is feeling it. A Labour government would make economic stability our number one priority - so no more disastrous Liz-Truss-style budgets. We'll back the triple lock to protect pensioners, and we'll get Britain growing again. Our plan to switch on GB Energy will reduce average household energy bills here in the SE by £300 a year by 2030.

What issues are you campaigning on, and what causes will you be championing if elected? There's a lot that gets me fired up at the moment, but one of the biggest issues is sewage dumping. Over 1,000 hours of raw and partially treated sewage was dumped into Bracknell and Sandhurst's rivers last year. And our current MP has consistently voted against measures to tackle it. I'd make a different choice as your MP - I'd back Labour's plan to put the water companies in special measures, and ban bosses' bonuses until they've cleaned up their act; introduce automatic fines for sewage dumping; and bring in criminal liability for the worst offenders.

How will you help struggling high streets and town centres? One way is by tackling the antisocial behaviour and petty crime that's blighting our highstreets. Shoplifting in Bracknell and Wokingham rose 46% last year. Labour will put 13,000 more community police and PCSOs on the streets, and give the police new powers to ban repeat offenders from crime hotspots. And we'll introduce a new law to protect retail workers from violent thieves.

I also want to see the current business rates system scrapped in favour of a fairer system, to level the playing field between high street business and online retailers. Labour will end the blight of empty shops and pubs by introducing a powerful new Community Right to Buy.

People across Bracknell, Crowthorne and Sandhurst will have seen local banks closing at an alarming rate. I believe every town should have access to banking services, so I'm backing Labour's plans to roll out more banking hubs to guarantee access to in-person banking.

How can you help make sure people can afford to live here while protecting our green spaces and countryside from development? Labour have a plan to reform the planning laws, to give councils much more of a say about the number of affordable and social homes developers build, and to hold them to account for delivering the local infrastructure needed alongside new housing projects. We'll take a brownfield-first approach to house development, while protecting genuine greenbelt. And we'll empower local people with our Community Right to Buy to turn derelict bits of land into vibrant community green spaces. One of the best things about Bracknell is that it is so green, and that needs to be protected.

Under its new Labour administration, Bracknell Forest Council has made it a strategic objective to prioritise more social and affordable homes. The draft plans for the town centre redevelopment include new homes that are 35% social and affordable. The plans also include new green spaces and infrastructure including children's play areas.

I'm proud that, in the 75th anniversary year of Bracknell being made a New Town, a Labour government would deliver the next generation of Bracknells - the next generation of new towns. This will ensure we can build significant numbers of new homes in areas where there is space for them, alongside the new infrastructure and green spaces needed to support them.

How will you help councils struggling with their finances? Can you help them to deal with the special educational needs crisis? Will you want the government to continue the Household Support Grant? The biggest challenge for council finances at the moment is that they are only given their budgets by central government on a yearly basis. There's no way they can plan for multi-year spending when they don't know how much money they'll have in two years' time. A Labour government would move to multi-year settlements, which would allow councils like Bracknell Forest to deliver on more of their strategic priorities, including on getting to grips with SEN provision.

What will you do to make sure residents don’t lose easy access to NHS services when Frimley Park hospital moves? The new site for Frimley Park will be announced very soon - hopefully before the election. I've been clear it needs to be within spitting distance of the current site. That's the commitment local people have been given, and if there is any backsliding on that, it would be really damaging for Bracknell.

Let's be clear: this redevelopment has taken too long. Rishi Sunak blocked Frimley Park's rebuild in 2020 as Chancellor, and only approved it in 2023 after the extent of the RAAC crisis was exposed. Bracknell has had to put up with a crumbling hospital while we've waited for the politicians to get their priorities straight.

It's been the same with the Royal Berks - which Boris promised to rebuild in 2019, and yet we're still waiting. A Labour government will get on and deliver both projects.

I'm also concerned that even the current Frimley site is not accessible enough by public transport. Under Labour, buses will be brought back into public hands, so we can make sure important routes like to the hospital, are covered properly.

What car do you drive (do you drive)? I do drive, though at the moment I'm borrowing my (very kind) mother-in-law's car!

What's your favourite film or TV show? I'm obsessed with Victoria Wood, who we lost far too young. Her sitcom Dinnerladies is my go-to comfort watch.

When was the last time you cried? I was at a friend's wedding the week the election was announced. I'm not ashamed to say I'm a wedding cryer.

Have you ever taken illegal drugs? A nice cool pint or a glass of red wine is enough of a buzz for me.