Former Conservative borough and town councillor Malcolm Tullett, 69, is standing for Reform UK. He is a former firefighter and now a company director.

What’s your connection to Bracknell, or why do you want to represent Bracknell? Live and work in and employ people from Bracknell, plus have previously been elected (2015 and 2019) as both a Borough and a Town Councillor.

What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of Bracknell? It is easy to put pounds before people - but:

Getting GP appointments and much needed surgery are both in short supply so getting this issue resoled, ASAP, has to be a top priority.Work must pay - it is not acceptable that people are better off financially on benefits than working and giving people choices in their lives. As an example when someone has worked the 35 qualifying years to receive a state pension, measures should be considered to allow them to work less hours - maybe introduce a lower tax code especially if they have health challenges or family commitments such as looking after an ailing relative or grandchildren.

Raising the pension age seems a quick fix but this puts more strain on the NHS as people can’t take time to look after their health and the army of unpaid carers is diminished. The not-for-profit sector is increasingly struggling  to provide essential services as volunteers are working longer (e.g. volunteer drivers at dementia day centres etc.).

What causes will you be championing if elected as an MP? Putting people first -

Cost of living - personal tax allowance increased and more support for the middle earners and small (micro) businesses, who are always squeezed.

Families - affordable quality child care

Housing - appropriate and truly affordable accommodation (working in conjunction with the Local Authority)

Health - some operations being refused funding and long hospital appointments constantly being cancelled

Injustice  - WASPI, quality of social housing, errors in government departments (DWP etc.)

Law and order - in fact the whole judicial system (police, courts and prisons)

Armed Forces and blue light services (Ambulance, Fire and Police etc.) - ensure those who lay their lives on the line and their families are properly recognised, rewarded and looked after when things go wrong.

Draconian traffic laws - motorists are easy targets and introducing more speed cameras to generate revenue through fines may not be the way forward so, I would like to focus on bad driving and unlawful activity which has greater impact on others.

Roadworks, potholes and parking.

How will you help struggling high streets and town centres? By working with the Local Authority and Town Council to support their efforts, especially if / when it comes to obtaining external financial assistance (grants etc.) and inward private investment.

How can you help make sure people can afford to live here while protecting our green spaces and countryside from development? By adopting sensible planning rules and wherever possible, enhance the green belt and fully utilise brown field development areas, in direct liaison with the developers.

How will you help councils struggling with their finances? Can you help them to deal with the special educational needs crisis? Will you want the government to continue the Household Support Grant? I will push for as much grant aid / investment in the Bracknell constituency as feasibly possible. In fact, I have already had the distinct privilege of engaging with many Bracknell Forest residents (at Borough and Town Council level) and listening to their concerns. So, if I am lucky enough to be elected, I won't be relying on guesswork but groundwork, by devoting a 'significant' amount of time in the constituency and being accessible and approachable to all residents and local business owners. An 'open-door' means an open mind, with a commitment to 'act'.

What will you do to make sure residents don’t lose easy access to NHS services when Frimley Park hospital moves? No question, of course and I will fight (tooth and nail) to not only maintain our current provision but to build on it, although having just been treated at the Royal Surrey (Guildford) I can also see the benefit of collaboration, across centres of excellence.

What car do you drive? Lexus CT 200 (5 year old petrol hybrid)

What's your favourite film or TV show? Films - The Theory of Everything (The life of Stephen Hawkins) and A few Good Men. TV - all good-quality dramas, especially courtroom dramas

When was the last time you cried? When I was suffering most during my excellent but really intensive treatment for throat cancer (just last year) and then (shortly after) having to put my beloved best friend (19 year old cross) to sleep.

Have you ever taken illegal drugs? I have never taken illegal drugs.