A local councillor has responded after numerous residents complained about receiving too many leaflets from him. 

Clive Jones, candidate for the Liberal Democrat party in Wokingham, has been campaigning through sending out pamphlets to locals. 

However, a good number of residents took to social media to air their grievances on the matter, many expressing that they were 'sick' of receiving all the leaflets. 

Alex Granford posted on Facebook a photograph of the leaflets along with a statement expressing his disdain for the tactic. 

He said: "I really can't wait for the election to be done and over with.

"With the amount of spam through the letterbox (below is what we've got almost in a week!!), and this smiling face popping out quite intrusively from everywhere, I do not really think their campaign ops do the candidate a good service, rather annoying a heck out of folks and making people sick to the teeth of their simplistic pitch lines.

"Let alone pretending to be a neutral Wokingham newspaper, cheating people to believe they are reading an impartial analysis - something that was discussed at length already but never stopped from happening."

Numerous other accounts flooded to the comment section in agreement with Mr Granford's sentiment. 

One commenter wrote "I’m sick of the Lib Dems forcing the idea that they are the only alternative.

"We have had so much literature that goes straight into recycling too. It makes me feel they’re unsure of their candidate so are inundating us with crap. I want rid of Deadwood as much as the next person but I want to vote without the harassment."

Agreeing with the previous comment, another person said "I hate this too. It is genuinely the reason I don't vote Lib Dem.

"I spoke to their candidates last election about it and he told me he would make sure the volunteers stepped it up and delivered extra to me."

However, many accounts were sympathetic to the tactic, and expressed that they felt the Liberal Democrats were within their right to distribute according. 

One person said " The leaflets are not 'spam' and they are not pretending to be neutral in any way. They're all funded by the party they represent. Nobody is under any obligation to read them.

"You could always put a little notice on your front door saying that you do not want anything from any political party."

A Liberal Democrat Spokesperson responded saying that all parties deliver leaflets at election time.

They said that the Liberal Democrats have a strong tradition of working hard all year round, not just at election time, and think delivering leaflets is vital for their democracy and for updating residents with the work they have been doing on their behalf.

The spokesperson said "We're grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response we've received from voters in Wokingham and are proud of the strong campaign we've been running."