The police officer who led the investigation into a man who killed a mother-of-three while drunk-driving after a Christmas party has described him as one of the 'most dangerous' drivers they have ever seen.

Solomon Amissah, 37, of Mount Lane, Bracknell, was jailed for 11 years and six months last week.

Amissah - a British Army veteran of the War in Afghanistan - crashed his Range Rover into another car in Mill Lane, Bracknell, on December 17, 2022.

He was driving home from a Christmas party, and was twice over the legal limit.

The driver of the other vehicle, 33-year-old Benedicta Owusu-Buabeng, sustained massive injuries.

Judge Amjad Nawaz said she likely died on impact.

Owusu-Buabeng was a mother-of-three, and her youngest child was just nine months old at the time of her death.

Her eight-year-old daughter provided a harrowing victim statement, which was read to the court at Amissah's sentencing hearing.

Detective Constable Joy Jarvis - who led the investigation after the crash - said: "This piece of driving was one of the most dangerous pieces of driving that I have investigated.

"Amissah, selfishly, got into his car after consuming so much alcohol that he was too intoxicated and impaired to drive and disregarded the safety of other road users.

"He drove along the wrong carriageway for almost a mile, intoxicated and distracted by his mobile phone.

"This sentencing demonstrates how it is totally unacceptable to get behind a wheel after consuming alcohol and using your mobile phone.

"Our thoughts remain with the family of the victim."