Residents have been voting on the best aspects of living in the town. 

Many have presented the fact that Bracknell has such an abundance of green spaces as a real plus for residing there. 

Others have said that local amenities such as shops and cafes make the town an enjoyable place to live. 

On a recent Facebook post almost one hundred locals responded to our question on what is the best thing about living in Bracknell. 

One commenter said "I moved to Bracknell 5 years ago after living in North London all my life. This place is a utopia compared to that.

"Nicer people, far far less traffic, and a shopping centre that you are far less likely to get robbed or stabbed in. Happy days!"

In agreement with the previous comment, another person said "The lexicon is good for shopping and love having so many parks and walks."

Others chimed in agreeing with the last sentiment, many expressing their love for the shear amount of green spaces in the town. 

One person wrote "More positives than negatives - lots of green spaces, a decent town centre, better than average schools, some decent places to eat out."

Another person said "The green spaces like Swinley Forest, Lily Hill Park and South Hill Park.

"It's only when you go out to London or somewhere that's completely built up and non-stop that you realise we're lucky to have these areas on our doorstep.

"Everywhere has flaws but there are many worse places to live."

A further person chimed in "For me…The Forests everywhere. The green, the fresh air. To be able to spot a majestic deer every now and then. I just love Berkshire with all my heart. 

Even more people responded to the call out to give their suggestions on what the best aspects of living in Bracknell are. 

One person wrote "Green spaces (over 30 odd parks) low crime rate, forests, woodland walks. Town centre since the regeneration.

"I’ve lived in Kent, Essex and Uxbridge and this is definitely the best. If people don’t like it there’s no stopping you leaving. Everywhere has it’s good and bad points."

A second person said "The clean green spaces. The transport (car) link. The town centre. The people. My community. The council (borough and town). Bracknell is also close to many nice towns.

"Please, for your next question, ask what would make Bracknell even better."