An Ascot resident has expressed deep-seated concerns about increasingly hazardous traffic conditions for pedestrians and cyclists in the local neighbourhood.

The commuter, who asked to remain anonymous, stressed the need for improved road safety measures amid encounters with irate drivers, dodging narrow and unwelcoming roads, and even being bitten by a dog.

The commuter, who prefers to cycle to work due to close proximity, reported run-ins with drivers in a hurry, particularly during rush hours.

"All they want to do to get home so there seems to be a little bit of lack of patience for other peoples' road space," he pointed out.

The Ascot resident also highlighted one particularly unpleasant encounter.

"Last year, I got assaulted by a driver when I was just trying to cross the road," he explained.

The alleged assailant was later charged with assault, in part due to video evidence captured from the victim's hat camera.

But that wasn't an isolated incident.

He recounted another episode: "Earlier this year, I got bitten by a dog."

Unfortunately, his camera wasn't working during this incident so he could not provide evidence to the police.

Safety remains the man's paramount concern.

He emphasized the need for people to understand various commuters share their path, saying, "It's just ordinary people… picking up their kids from school and local people on their way home and off to the shops.

"My guess is it's just impatience."

The cyclist suggested a lack of infrastructural support and proper regulations add to the issue.

Past solutions like provided crossing guards for school children and routed policemen for crowd control are no longer in place, leading to increased hazards.

He believes the risks are so acute, he has even resorted to wearing a police-style camera for protection when cycling.

"Until something is done, at some point someone is going to get hurt.

"If it’s someone's child, then the whole world is going to go mad so let’s not wait for somebody’s child to get run over," the commuter warned.

"He contrasted his experiences in Ascot with those in neighbouring Bracknell, where he lauded the abundance of practical cycleways and footpaths.

The man highlighted: "North Ascot is now within the Maidenhead constituency.

"I know there has been all sorts of things happening over the last decade in the Maidenhead area, but Ascot is on the edge and no one has really thought, actually there is a problem there."

Despite the numerous challenges, the Ascot resident remains committed to his commuting routine.

But, he confessed, he's starting to lose patience with the ongoing risks.