A Sandhurst care home has been praised after being removed from ‘special measures’ in their latest CQC inspection.

Health watchdogs visited the care home, located on Yorktown Road on March 4 and March 6, to check issues identified in the last inspection.

Inspectors found that after giving the care facility advice on measures to take, they have shown an obvious improvement.

They said:  “We observed the atmosphere and interactions between people, staff and the registered manager were much improved which had a positive effect on the overall culture in the service.

“The registered manager had made changes to empower, appreciate and upskill staff, so they continued supporting people including better communication between each other.

“We observed better engagement with people from staff, presenting more opportunities for people to take part in activities they enjoy and to receive care and support they needed.”

Despite many positive aspects to the care and service provided, inspectors found three breaches in relation to the management of medicine, recruitment and selection and governance. This resulted in the ‘requires improvement’ score.

The Care Quality Commission said: “We identified the provider did not always follow their quality assurance systems effectively to assess, monitor and mitigate risks relating to the health, safety and welfare of people, the service and others.

“The provider did not always maintain accurate and complete records relating to the management of medicine; necessary information as part of provider’s recruitment processes; staff training and some people’s care and support records.”

After speaking to relatives of current residents, they seemed to echo the improvements seen by inspectors.

One relative said, “This is how a care home should be run. It is like a home from home.”

Another added: “Yes, very much so [staff are kind and caring]. We always say [our relative] seems happy and content. There’s a nice atmosphere. We don’t have to worry about [our relative’s] care".