An anguished woman has consulted a psychic animal communicator to try and locate her lost pet duck Ariella. 

Sara Allison, who lives in Ascot, has kept pet ducks for a number of years and at the time of Ariella's disappearance she had four living at home with her. 

Speaking on her YouTube channel, Ms Allison said "Ariella is extremely special to me. I've had her since July 2020 and nurtured her from an egg. I am her duck mother and she is my little baby."

Ariella is the eldest of Ms Allison's pet ducks and was last seen at her house in Cheapside March 5 2024. 

"I was around at the time and so were her sisters, none of us heard or saw anything untoward," Ms Allison said. 

Since Ariella's disappearance, Ms Allison has tried numerous ways to find her beloved pet. 

Her most recent endeavour was contacting a proclaimed psychic animal communicator called Kathy who claims to be able to speak directly to lost animals. 

Ms Allison has since had two appointments with the psychic, who told her various pieces of information through allegedly communicating with the lost duck. 

"I’m quite spiritual myself so have been to retreats and that kind of thing but this latest one Kathy I paid for I just found online. She’s helping me the most in terms of finding Ariella," she said. 

The psychic spoke directly to Ariella, who revealed multiple bits of information about her whereabouts. 

In her last session, Ms Allison communicated with Ariella herself and told her that she loves her very much, misses her terribly, and wants her to come home.

Ariella allegedly responded “Of course, though I am safe and well here so don't worry”

At her first communication session, Ariella told the psychic that she is both alive and well and just doesn’t know where she is or how to get home. 

She also revealed that she is being fed by a kind lady who thinks she’s a wild duck, and that she is near a small, lush pond with reeds.

Ms Allison said "The pond sounds like a large hole in the ground with water rather than a purpose-built one and is about 10-15 feet across at most."

The psychic also said that Ariella has found a small hut where she sleeps alone. She also mentioned the name "Bill" in connection with the people nearby.

Ms Allison said that it sounds like she can be up to a mile away from Cheapside.

If you know anything regarding Ariella's whereabouts please contact 07979 147898 immediately.