A BID to build dozens of new homes in Crowthorne will not go ahead after a planning proposal was refused.

Developers wanted to build 49 homes on land by Heathlands Road, Wokingham.

Wokingham Borough Council has rejected the outline proposal – meaning planning officers don’t agree with the principle of it.

In the decision notice, planning officers said that the proposal represents ‘inappropriate, unplanned development’ within the countryside.

The authority said: “The proposed development would have an adverse impact on the landscape and character and appearance of the area by reason of the loss of an open green field in the countryside to an urbanising, large scale development.”

The council took issue with privacy, stating that the dwellings would be too closely situated which would in turn compromise the privacy of future occupiers.

The site is also unsuitable based on transport and access to services.

The proposal included the building of 20 affordable houses. In their application, developers said the site was suitable as it was close to railway and bus routes, leisure and health facilities, and schools.

Opposite the site is another recent development, Heathlands Court, which includes 17 homes. Developers said that this scheme illustrates the potential for another in the area.

Dozens of residents objected to the proposals, complaining of the impact it would have on the countryside feel of the area.

Wokingham Borough Council also said the potential impact on traffic, with one writing that there are already ‘huge queues’ in the surrounding area, which adding new homes to would ‘make this problem much worse’.