A cancer care centre used by some Bracknell residents could relocate, according to a report to councillors.

Some 24 patients registered at Bracknell GP surgeries received care at the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre in Northwood, Hillingon, last year, according to Bracknell Forest Council. But the NHS care centre is currently considering plans to move to Watford in north London.

A briefing by the care centre published in May said there was an ‘urgent need’ to relocate the centre to an acute hospital such as Watford General Hospital.

Councillors on Bracknell Forest’s overview and scrutiny panel were set to discuss how they should be kept informed of the changes at a meeting on Thursday, August 29.

Council officers are recommending that councillors should not ask to be involved in the joint scrutiny committee overseeing the move. But they say councillors should ask to receive formal communication about the changes as part of the public consultation.

However councillors also have the option to ask to be members of the committee, or to attend its meetings as an interested party.

Officers’ report to councillors says the number of Bracknell patients is a ‘small percentage’ of the overall number of patients at the centre.

They recommend that the council adopts a ‘proportionate approach’ to ensure limited resources are best utilised for Bracknell Forest residents’ while allowing councillors to raise any concerns.