The MP for Wokingham has called for winter fuel payments to be protected as 16,500 pensioners in the borough face losing support.

The Labour government recently announced that from this autumn, those not on pension credit or other means-tested benefits will no longer get an annual payment of up to £300.

Around ten million pensioners will lose out when enforced, with an estimated 16,577 being Wokingham residents.

Age UK has estimated that two million elderly people will struggle to pay their energy bills due to the cut.

Now, Clive Jones, MP for Wokingham, has joined other Liberal Democrat MPs calling for the government to reverse the decision.

Leader of his party Sir Ed Davey will table a motion to block the cuts and attempt a vote on the changes before they come into force on September 16.

Mr Jones said: “I’ve heard from countless pensioners across Wokingham who are worried about losing this vital support and how they will afford their energy bills this winter.

He added that it is ‘simply immoral’ to strip support from the ‘poorest pensioners’ in Wokingham as energy bills are set to rise.

Analysis from the Liberal Democrats shows that pensioners are expected to take a £670 hit this winter due to the rise in the energy price cap.

The Wokingham MP said that he would do ‘everything he can’ along with his colleagues to block the plans as Parliament returns after summer recess.

He continued: “I recognise that the new government faces difficult choices after the appalling mess left by the Conservatives, but a rethink is urgently needed so that poorer and vulnerable pensioners in our community continue to get the support they so desperately need.”

Similarly in Bracknell, 90 per cent of those currently eligible for the winter fuel payment will lose out if plans go ahead in September.

Age UK Berkshire has said many using its services are concerned about no longer receiving the financial support.

Fiona Price told the News: “We’re really as an organisation opposing the means testing of the winter fuel payment. It’s the poorest that will be severely impacted by it.”

Her charity has seen a ‘huge increase’ in the number of elderly people reaching out for support in the past year.

Figures per constituency of the number of pensioners not receiving pension credit, and therefore soon illegible for the winter fuel payment were complied by the House of Commons Library.