A Bracknell family has set out on an ambitious quest to climb to the base camps of some of the world’s highest mountains to champion educational charities across the globe.

John Russell-Smith, a local teacher; Martina, a trainee teacher; and their children Ben, 12, and Will, 9, have embarked on a five-year mission to conquer the base camps of 14 mountains, each towering over 8000m above sea level.

This summer, the adventurous family completed the first phase, reaching five base camps in Pakistan, including K2.

John said: "We've always been a travelling family and I thought that this would be a great chance to see other parts of the world we've never seen before and set ourselves a challenge at the same time."

The Russell-Smiths are also using this challenge to raise funds for charities that promote and provide education in remote countries.

John added, "We met a girl in Kyrgyzstan who only managed to get three months of education a year whenever she able to get down to the nearest town.

"As a teacher, it's really important to me that everyone should have access to accessible and free education and we want to raise awareness of the lack of this in these remote locations."

In addition to the global outreach, the project has been an extraordinary experience for Ben and Will.

Despite Ben breaking his leg a year and a half ago, he has been a trooper, showing unbelievable resilience.

John continued: "The boys are such troopers. They hike nine hours a day in all weather conditions, sometimes in the snow and freezing temperatures.

"We travel to unusual places anyway so this an extension of our travels that we usually take during the school holidays."

Next Easter, the Russell-Smiths plan to tackle the Everest and Lhotse base camps, a prospect that both boys are eagerly anticipating.

Ben and Will have been able to enfold this endeavour into their schooling. Where many people take a year to complete the 14 base camps, the family are working their trips into school holidays over the next five years.

The family believes that Will, aged nine, may have set a record as the youngest to reach K2, but this is yet to be officially confirmed.

Ben and Will, who are all keen players at Binfield Football Club, continue their exhilarating journey proving that family bonds, adventure, and philanthropy make a treacherous climb worth undertaking.