A chunk of 2,200 homes planned to be built in Warfield will be decided by Bracknell Forest Council next week.

150 homes – part of the Warfield strategic development totalling a huge 2,200 houses – are set to be given approval by Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee at a meeting on Thursday, September 12.

Harcourt Developments would like to build the houses alongside a neighbourhood centre on a field north of Priory Lane Fields.

This is on the southeast corner of the crossroads of Newell Green, Warfield Street and Osborne Lane, close to the Plough and Harrow pub.

They have proposed a mixture of houses, with 35 per cent affordable, and at least five per cent accessible units.

The plans, first brought to the council in 2022, have been ‘subject to significant, positive amendment since its original submission’, according to a planning committee report.

The surrounding area has ‘a distinctly semi-rural feel’ with a ‘vegetated and historic character’, the report also says.

A neighbourhood centre would be in the southwest corner of the site, which would have suitable units for a convenience store, bakery, hairdressers or estate agent, according to plans.

Two roundabouts would also be built on the site to facilitate cars to drive around the new development easily. But placement of one of the roundabouts would require the removal of a mature oak tree – of which the council has said ‘all alternative options’ have been considered.

Objections were received from 18 addresses concerned with overdevelopment in the area, the loss of green space, and the impact of the roundabouts on traffic.

These houses come as part of much larger plans for thousands of homes to be built in Warfield, Bracknell.

Bracknell Forest Council say that the plans will not only deliver 2,200 homes, but employment, a neighbourhood centre, two primary schools and a community hub.

Work to deliver this large number of homes is already underway. A 305-home Warfield development is to the east of the site, and work on two smaller plans to the west are already underway.

These include 52 homes on Trussel Road and 116 homes north of Watersplash Lane.

Discussions between Harcourt Developments and the council began in 2017, with a formal application then submitted in 2022.

But this was since amended following feedback from planning officers and public comments.

Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee will decide whether to give outline approval, meaning it agrees with the principle of the plans, at a meeting on Thursday, September 12. Council officers have recommended approval.