A garage and repair centre at a village in Berkshire that has been closed for years has been demolished to clear the way for dozens of homes.

Progress is being made on a project to replace the Warfield MOT and service centre along Forest Road in Warfield to create access for a new housing estate.

The garage buildings, which include the service centre and a 'car wash cafe' have recently been demolished, according to neighbours. The site has been sealed off by wooden fencing and gates since 2022.

The buildings have been demolished after housebuilder Redrow won approval to build 43 homes on the land between the garage buildings and Crozier Lane in December last year.

An access road that extends Crozier Lane has been established as well.

The development was approved at a contentious Bracknell Forest Council planning meeting where fears were raised over flooding.

Vicki Emberson, a neighbour in Warfield, provided a photo showing significant flooding in a garden in the Newell Green area where the development will be built.

A flooded garden in Newell Green. Credit: Vicki EmbersonA flooded garden in Newell Green. Credit: Vicki Emberson (Image: Vicki Emberson)

During the meeting, she said: “We all know that water runs downhill – to our houses in this case.

"This land is heavy London clay. It already becomes saturated and our gardens flood regularly.”

Ultimately, the council's planning committee agreed that the project contained enough flood risk mitigation measures to make it acceptable.

Since then, Redrow has submitted detailed applications which need to be approved by the council before the development can go ahead.

One of the primary focuses of these details is over drainage, with the responsibility for drainage falling with the council as it is the Lead Local Food Authority for the area.

Redrow submitted details of the drainage system and how it would be maintained and managed in May.

However,  according to Jessica Taylor, a planning development control officer at the council, the drainage strategy has not been agreed yet because an overland flow route for water has not been agreed.

Engineering consultancy Cole Easdon has been appointed to conduct a drainage study in an attempt to address the concerns raised.

An extension of Crozier Lane, Newell Green, Warfield, which will provide access to an approved housing development.An extension of Crozier Lane, Newell Green, Warfield, which will provide access to an approved housing development. (Image: Google Maps)

Redrow has also submitted its construction environment management plan that outlines details of the demolition and measures to control the construction.

Neither the drainage system details nor the construction plans have been approved yet. You can view the application on the council's planning portal using the references below:

  • 24/00058/COND - drainage system details
  • 24/00021/COND - construction environment management plan

The approval last December came after Redrow reduced the amount of homes from 48 to 43 in adjustments made in November 2022.

These are made up of four one-bed and three two-bed flats, and 14 three-bed, 15 four-bed and seven five-bed homes.

Of those, four one-bed and three two-bed flats and two three-bed homes will be designated affordable, which is 20 per cent of the new homes that will be provided.