Bracknell Forest Council says it ‘can’t build schools as quick as we need to’ after the opening of a school for children with autism has been delayed.

The specialist site in Buckler’s Park, Crowthorne, won’t open until March 2027, after initial plans aimed for completion by the end of 2026.

The project to build the new school is overseen by the department for education and was granted funding through Bracknell Forest’s participation in the ‘safety valve’ scheme.

Two dedicated special educational needs (SEN) schools will be built as well as more SEN children being put in mainstream schools in return for an £16m investment from the government over the next six years.

A 25-place specialist facility opened in Sandhurst at the beginning of the academic year, and another 25-place facility is set to open at Edgebarrow school next September.

Speaking at a Bracknell Forest Council Schools Forum to school and union representatives, head of SEN Duane Chappell said that the authority had ‘moved with rigour and pace to get this done’.

But the officer said the council ‘can’t build schools as quickly as we need to’, in reference to the delay in the Buckler Park site, which would be called Forest View and accommodate 100 pupils with autism.

The government has appointed the Propeller Trust academy chain to run the school, and did not provide an explanation for the hold up.

Bracknell Forest would like current mainstream schools to become more ‘inclusive’ and have the capacity to take on SEN children, as well as build new specialist schools.

Mrs Chappell said: “We will also be challenging schools when I think a child’s need can be met, and we don’t want to be in a position where we’re directing schools, but ultimately we have to work together.”

The officer highlighted that once all the planned provision was in place, nearly half of children with an education and health care plan, a document which sets out their needs, will have their specialist education provided.

She continued: “You know, we are quite a small borough, so we are bringing in a lot of provision – nearly 200 new places in the next few years. I just can’t build them quick enough.”

The chairperson of the forum, a schools representative Elizabeth Savage, said that all members are ‘pleased to see the progress’.

Bracknell Forest Council has been approached for comment detailing why the Buckler’s Park specialist school has been delayed.