Last week Wokingham Borough Council and its external partners moved a step nearer to a radical new way of setting the council’s objectives.

Up until now, the council has drawn up its own strategy and then consulted the public. Inevitably, such an approach leads to a reluctance to change significantly at the last minute, after council officers and executive councillors have put much time and effort into drafting the strategy.

We have adopted a different approach, seeking a jointly authored community vision, which embodies the hopes and aspirations of the people who live and work in the borough.

This bottom-up approach was launched last year, in plenary sessions and workshops involving town and parish councils, the voluntary sector, business, educators, health providers, and the emergency services.

Last week saw the first meeting of a steering group, in which council representatives work with volunteers from among our external partners. The group will oversee the engagement of the wider community and will eventually draft the final version of the strategy.

The enthusiasm of all involved is energising and shows how much desire there is for a new approach.

I don't underestimate the challenges - getting agreement on objectives will sometimes be difficult and the council has limited resources in these cash-strapped times for local government.

But the constructive way in which everyone has entered this process fills me with optimism. A big thank you from me to all those who have given up their time to help.