Earlier this week I had an interesting conversation with a resident while I was shopping in my local supermarket.

It’s not unusual to be waylaid in the aisles by residents who want to bring a local concern to my attention.

But on this occasion, the resident wanted to thank me and Wokingham Borough Council for the support it is giving his wife.

His wife requires intensive care from adult social services. Without it her life – and her husband’s – would be truly intolerable.

I mention this case because figures rarely tell a human story. To know that adult and children’s services and public health take up about 70 percent of the council’s budget is one thing. To visualise what that means for the individuals involved is quite another.

READ MORE: Wokingham Council cuts street cleaning and grass cutting

In a period of continuing inflation, rising demand for services, and higher interest rates, the council has no option but to make savings where it can.

My colleagues and I are determined that those savings will not be made at the expense of the most vulnerable.

I would rather not have to make savings anywhere. But we have to face up to financial reality and make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions if we are to continue to prioritise giving help to those who are most in need.

I believe most of you believe that it’s right to focus our limited resources on helping the most vulnerable. In any civilized society, helping those who are most in need is the number one priority.