Wokingham Borough Council has embarked on a revolutionary new way of establishing its priorities.  The council is working with other bodies in the borough to produce a Community Vision, which will influence the council’s direction of travel over the next decade and more.

Over the last seventeen months we have been bringing in key groups in the borough to get a sense of what they think the council’s priorities should be. We have had workshops with the voluntary and charitable sector, town and parish councils, and businesses and two forum sessions with a wider range of bodies.

We are now at the point where we want to open up the conversation to the wider population. We are trying to include as many people as we can. 

Please give us your views on what you want the future to be like in our borough. The council's Engage Platform now carries two surveys - a short one and a slightly longer one.

The short one can be completed quickly, but we would be grateful if you were able to answer the questions on the longer survey, too.

You will have ample opportunity to give us your own views on what you like about the area, what you would like to change, and how you would like to describe the place you live in the future. Just go to engage.wokingham.gov.uk. 

For those without internet access, and to reach those whose voices are not always heard, we have also produced a postcard which can be distrubuted at events organised by the council or any other body in the borough.

If you would like copies of the postcard, please don't hesitate to phone the council on 0118 9746066 or send an email to cem.wokingham.gov.uk.