Why is it always wet from July 21 to September 1 and then we have a heat wave?

Well done to parents, carers and guardians who have made it through the summer holidays, and I trust you found a lot of things to do in Bracknell Forest and have had fun.

As a secondary school teacher for 32 years, I appreciate what a return to school means for both teachers and parents. I wish all children and students a highly successful year. Work hard but enjoy yourself as well!

To all parents, please work with your schools to support your children. Both teachers and parents are after the same goal: the absolute best for each child.

The first event of the Great Wellness Exchange is taking place on Saturday, 16 September from 10am to 4pm, at Bracknell Leisure Centre. This is a community event inviting residents of all ages and abilities to take part and try a new activity.

There are also three other events later in the month at The Lexicon and the Open Learning Centre. You can read the full details via the Great Wellness Exchange website.

READ MORE: ‘We need this’ say pensioners at Bracknell cost of living event

Also, did you know that that we have our own lottery?

There are now nearly 100 good causes signed up to the lottery, meaning buying a ticket helps a local good cause.

In September's national draw, you’ll have the chance to win a £1,500 IKEA gift card when you support your favourite good cause. Get your tickets before September 30 via the Bracknell Forest Lottery website.

This weekend we will be celebrating 50 years of twinning with German city Leverkusen. We will welcome the Mayor and 12 guests from Leverkusen.

I am Chair of the Twinning Association and am so enormously proud of all we have achieved.