The past couple of weeks have been a busy time in Bracknell Forest.

Firstly, how lovely was it to see The Princess of Wales visiting Vsi Razom in Princess Square. The special visit coincided with the Ukrainian community hub’s first anniversary. Well done to everyone involved in the project and thank you for all the help you provide.

In other news, Bracknell Regeneration Partnership (BRP) announced the plans for The Deck cannot go ahead in the form agreed back in 2019. I know this is disappointing – your comments and suggestions have not gone unnoticed.

BRP, as the private landowner, are responsible for developing that site. They have been clear that the previous plans aren’t financially viable given rising costs.

BRP are looking at alternatives and we are working together to get something there in the interim. This could include pop-up entertainment, temporary shops or short-term play activities.

If you’ve ever been to a Box Park, you will know how well such ‘meanwhile’ spaces can work. Now, while I can’t promise a Box Park, I can promise that the council will do everything it can to make that space useable and exciting while permanent plans are developed.

READ MORE: The Deck: what happened to the millions council promised?

I also want to keep you up to date on the council’s budget. While we are nowhere near effectively declaring bankruptcy we face a considerable hole in our finances.

This is largely due to inflation, rising demand for services and income losses, including millions of pounds of business rates due to a review by the national Valuation Office.

These are all issues outside of the council’s control – but issues we have to tackle. We will face some difficult decisions.

I will bring you more in my next column, but meanwhile you can read more in the October Executive papers on the council’s website.