You may have seen that last week the new Council Plan was endorsed by the decision making executive for approval by full council on 29 November.

The Council Plan sets out the ambition for what we want to achieve for and with residents, businesses and partners. It reflects the priorities of the Labour manifesto at last May’s local election and sets out what we will focus on over the next four years.

Our vision is for a borough where we put residents first, working together to grow sustainable, resilient and inclusive communities.

The Council Plan 2023-27 sets out three main priorities: engaged and healthy communities, a thriving and connected economy and a green and sustainable environment.

This is a key document and the plan will be delivered through annual service plans, the council’s budget and specific strategies. Progress towards these goals will be recorded publicly in the council’s quarterly reviews.

READ MORE: Bracknell Forest Council could sell ‘commercial properties’

All this comes at a cost and, like all local authorities, we are having to examine all aspects of our budget because finances are tight.

Some councils have declared bankruptcy. Bracknell Forest Council is not in this position. However, we want to be honest and transparent about our current and future financial situation.

Many of the pressures in the current year will inevitably impact on next year and so we are faced with some very difficult choices. However, no decisions have been made yet on our 2024/25 budget, including the level of council tax for next year.

We are committed to asking for your views on where we spend taxpayers’ money, so please look out for details about the proposed budget consultation.

Executive councillors will also be visiting key places around the borough in January to talk to residents about the budget, understand your views and answer your questions.